Reverse Bits


Reverse bits of a given 32 bits unsigned integer.

For example, given input 43261596 (represented in binary as 00000010100101000001111010011100), return 964176192 (represented in binary as 00111001011110000010100101000000).


  • Bit Manipulation


For python, just get the list of the binary string and reverse it. Then, convert it back.

Another way is to use format and zfill function.


class Solution:
    # @param n, an integer
    # @return an integer
    def reverseBits(self, n):
        binary_str = list(bin(n))[2:]
        length = len(binary_str)
        num_zero = 32 - length
        binary_str = binary_str + ['0'] * num_zero
        num = ''.join(binary_str)
        return int(num, 2)

Use format and zfill function

class Solution:
    # @param n, an integer
    # @return an integer
    def reverseBits(self, n):
        ans = format(n, 'b').zfill(32)[::-1]
        return int(ans, 2)

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